Posts tagged Design-Build.
Water Alternative Delivery

Through recent updates to California’s Public Contract Code, public agencies are being equipped with new tools to deliver major infrastructure projects through use of the progressive design-build (PDB) model. As more public agencies gain access to the legislative tools available to use PDB, we expect to see an increasing number of water projects undertaken and completed successfully under the PDB or other early contractor delivery methods.

In Nossaman’s California Water Views – 2024 Outlook, I examine the differences between PDB and fixed-price design-build (DB ...

Have you ever wished there was a comprehensive, easily accessible project cost database for major US transportation projects?  It would be populated following an in depth review of information available from State DOT’s and would capture not just the capital cost of the project, but it’s operation and maintenance cost and delivery and financing approach.  The information could be valuable in many ways, including assessing the project performance outcomes for P3’s and non P3’s.

As I found out a couple of weeks ago at the Transportation Research Board annual meeting, there ...

Los Angeles World Airports (LAWA) and LA Gateway Partners, LLC  (LAGP), together with equity providers and lenders, achieved Financial Close on the approximately $2 billion consolidated rent-a-car facility (ConRAC) at Los Angeles International Airport (LAX) on December 6, 2018.

LAGP is owned indirectly by funds managed by Fengate Asset Management ("Fengate LAGP US I, LLC", 83.3%) and PCL Investments USA, LLC ("PCL LAGP Partnership LP", 16.7%). After achieving Commercial Close on November 6, 2018, Fengate and PCL proceeded to secure private financing for the project  comprised ...

Infrastructure Ontario and Metrolinx have awarded a fixed-price design-build-finance $245.5 million contract to upgrade Agincourt, Milliken, and Unionville GO stations on the Stouffville GO corridor. The winning bidder, EllisDon Transit Infrastructure (EDTI), will deliver the project using Infrastructure Ontario’s Alternative Financing and Procurement model. EllisDon constituents will provide financing and construction while WSP / MMM Group will be in charge of the design. The project includes upgrades to tracks, platforms with canopies, new pedestrian ...

The New York Metropolitan Transportation Authority’s (NYMTA) board has approved a $1.8 billion expansion project for another important milestone in Governor Andrew M. Cuomo’s, comprehensive, interconnected plan to improve transit and transportation throughout the New York metropolitan region.

The project includes signal system and bridge state-of-good-repair elements, but the central element is the addition of a 9.8-mile third track between Floral Park and Hicksville, NY on a segment of the LIRR mainline that handles more than 250 trains per weekday.

The project also ...

Posted in Design-Build

Last week the Orange County Transportation Authority executed the design/build contract for the I-405 Improvement Project with OC405 Partners, a joint venture consisting of OHL USA and Astaldi Construction Corporation.  With a contract price of $1,217,065,000 and a total estimated project cost of $1.9 billion, the project, which consists of 16 miles of reconstruction of one of the most congested corridors in the United States including 14 miles of tolled express lanes, is the largest highway project in California currently under development.

OCTA is a multi-modal county ...

Governor Pete Rickets followed through on a promise to rethink infrastructure delivery in Nebraska.  Signing LB 960, the Transportation Innovation Act, into law, Nebraska is poised to clear its backlog of highway development in the state.  The new law passed unanimously in mid-April.

The Transportation Innovation Act reserved $50 million of Nebraska’s cash reserve and allocated approximately $400 million of gas tax revenue to the end of completing a 132-mile portion of an envisioned 600 mile expressway system within the State by 2033.  New tools available to the Nebraska ...

Posted in Design-Build

New Mexico will now allow certain highway and projects funded in whole or in part by federal funds to use the design-build delivery method.  On the last day (March 9, 2016) to sign bills from the most recent legislative session, Governor Susana Martinez signed HB 206 , which permits the Department of Transportation to use the design-build delivery method for road and highway projects above $50 million.   Previously, road and highway projects were specifically prohibited from using design-build delivery unless part of a very limited number of demonstration projects.  Opening road and ...

Posted in Design-Build

Design liability and right-of-way risk allocation are topics addressed in a legal research digest recently published by the Transportation Research Board’s National Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP).  The report, which can be downloaded here, discusses statutes, case law and contract language relevant to design liability, addresses how the right of way acquisition process interrelates with design-build projects, and analyzes how design-build contracts allocate the related risks.  The report was authored by Michael Loulakis (Capital Project Strategies ...

Three months after the May 15, 2015 issuance of a Request for Qualifications (RFQ), the SH 249 Extension Project is another step closer to development.  The RFQ solicited qualifications from teams interested in entering into a design-build contract and a comprehensive maintenance agreement for the Project.  Following a two-month process, which included questions and answers from interested industry participants and an industry workshop, TxDOT received Qualification Statements from seven teams on July 17, 2015. Over the next month, the Qualification Statements were evaluated ...

Posted in Design-Build

On June 1, 2015, a California Court of Appeal held that in order for a lease-leaseback arrangement to be enforceable, the lease must be genuine, containing both a financing component and a lease term that extends beyond the construction period (Davis v. Fresno Unified School District, et al. (2015) __CalRptr.3d__ [2015 WL 3454720].)


In 2012, the Fresno Unified School District (District) entered into a negotiated agreement utilizing the lease-leaseback project delivery method for the construction of improvements at a District middle school.  The District leased the ...

Posted in Design-Build

Identifying and allocating the risks associated with right-of-way acquisition in design-build projects was a hot topic for the standing-room only crowd at last week’s annual Education Conference of the International Right of Way Association in San Diego, California.  Nossaman litigation/eminent domain partner Artin Shaverdian hosted a panel on Design-Build Projects and Right of Way Acquisition: Benefits, Challenges and Pitfalls. Questions from the audience during the interactive session focused on the various approaches that agencies have taken to allocate ...

Posted in Design-Build

On May 15, 2015, the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) and Lane-Abrams Joint Venture  (DB Contractor) entered into a design-build contract (DBA) and associated comprehensive maintenance agreement (COMA) for the approximately $300 million SH 360 Project (the Project).

Pursuant to the DBA, DB Contractor will design and construct and potentially maintain approximately 9.7 miles of improvements to SH 360 consisting of two toll lanes in each direction from approximately Green Oaks Blvd/Kingswood Blvd to US 287, in addition to frontage road and intersection improvements.  ...

Posted in Design-Build

According to a recent internal study conducted by the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT), the design-build project delivery method provides significant cost and time savings as compared to the traditional design-bid-build delivery method. The study examined FDOT contracts from 2008 to 2012 that were valued between $30 million and $70 million, a group of contracts that included 11 design-build contracts and 47 design-bid-build contracts. Looking in particular at a $55 million, 814‑day design-build project, the study found that the use of design-build results in ...

Posted in News

As part of its continuing effort to help inform and contribute to the design-build and P3 industry in the U.S., Nossaman is launching an on-going series of blog posts on Emerging Trends in Project Delivery.

Our blog posts for the industry generally are geared toward keeping our readers up to date on current developments regarding projects, programs, laws and regulations.  The Emerging Trends series will add another dimension – a look just over the horizon at what we and our guest bloggers predict may be coming, informed by prior patterns, opinions and results.  If by doing this we can ...

Posted in Design-Build

On October 27, 2014, the Orange County Transportation Authority (OCTA) issued a Request for Qualifications (RFQ) soliciting statements of qualifications (SOQs) from qualified firms interested in submitting proposals for the design and construction of the $900 million I-405 Improvement Project (the Project) through a design-build contract. OCTA is seeking a private firm that is experienced in managing, designing and constructing general use roadways.

The Project will consist of designing and constructing an improvement that generally adds one general-purpose lane in each ...

On August 22, 2014, the Texas Department of Transportation and Abrams-Kiewit Joint Venture (Developer) reached commercial close on the Loop 375 Border Highway West Extension Project (Project).  The contract, which includes design-build and comprehensive maintenance agreements (collectively the CDA), was conditionally awarded to the Developer in April of this year.  Developer is a joint venture consisting of J.D. Abrams and Kiewit Infrastructure South Co.

The Project is located west of downtown El Paso, south of Interstate Highway 10 (I-10) and extends approximately nine ...

Posted in Design-Build, P3s

Yesterday the Arizona Department of Transportation issued to the P3 and design-build industry a Request for Information for the South Mountain Freeway project. ADOT is seeking perspective and feedback from lead developers, design-build contractors, maintenance contractors, and equity investors on a list of questions, and is providing an opportunity for industry input on the overall procurement process for the project.

Responses are requested by February 25. ADOT will convene and open industry forum on the project at the ADOT auditorium on February 27, and the industry has ...

Posted in Design-Build

As long time participants in the alternative delivery sector know, the Design-Build Institute of America has from its earliest days sought to set forth guiding principles that would be universally applicable across all sectors--no small task. At its annual conference this week in Las Vegas, Mike Loulakis and Diane Hoag presented the latest revised draft of its recommended best practices, called "Design-Build Done Right."

While the organization expects these principles to evolve and be refined over time, it is seeking comments on this new version before November 15, 2013. The ...

Posted in Design-Build

The Design-Build Institute of America has released the first iteration of Design-Build Done Right, identifying industry wide best practices for design-build project delivery.  Tracking a project delivery timeline, the practices are grouped into three areas: (1) Procuring Design-Build Services; (2) Contracting for Design-Build Services; and (3) Executing the Delivery of Design-Build Projects.  DBIA’s goal is to identify practices in this document that have two basic characteristics:

1. The practices are written in a way that is intended to be universal in applicability ...

On August 16, 2013, the California High-Speed Rail Authority (Authority) executed a design-build contract with a joint venture among Tutor Perini Corporation, Zachry Construction Corporation and Parsons Transportation Group Inc. for the initial segment of the first high-speed rail system in the United States.  The initial segment is 29 miles long and is located in California's Central Valley.  The contract is valued at approximately $985 million, plus an additional $53 million in provisional sums.  Please refer to the Authority's web site for further information.

Posted in Design-Build

On July 31, 2013, the Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) executed a $108 million lump-sum design-build contract with Bizzack Construction, LLC (Bizzack) for the design and construction of the rough-grade roadbed for the U.S. Route 460 Connector Phase II.  The 460 Connector Phase II project is a 6.2-mile four-lane, limited access highway located between the U.S. Route 460 Connector Phase I, which is under construction near Breaks Interstate Park, Route 460 and the proposed Route 121 (Coalfields Expressway) interchange in Buchanan County, Virginia.  This route is ...

Posted in Design-Build

On August 1, 2013, the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) issued a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM) and request for comments regarding proposed changes to FHWA’s design-build regulation that would eliminate a requirement for proposers to submit base proposals where the contracting agency allows them to submit alternative technical concepts (ATCs) in their proposals.  ATCs have proved to be highly beneficial, encouraging innovation, cost savings and reduction of environmental impacts and increasing the overall value to procuring agencies through the best value ...

Posted in Design-Build

State agencies have increasingly turned to alternative contracting methods such as design-build and public-private partnerships to deliver highway construction projects.  As a result, the use of performance-based specifications has also increased.

To provide a better understanding of how these specifications function, the Transportation Research Board (TRB) recently released Legal Research Digest 61, which provides an overview of performance-based specifications, explores how they differ from traditional design or method-based specifications, and explains the ...

Posted in Design-Build

The Design-Build Institute of America announced today the 2013 Design-Build in Transportation Awards, which will be presented on March 19, 2013 at the 2013 Design-Build in Transportation Conference in Orlando, Florida.

The California Department of Transportation was named 2013 Transportation Owner Agency of the Year.  Caltrans has made great strides with design-build recently through its Design-Build Demonstration Program.  Caltrans also reached financial close this year on its high profile Presidio Parkway project, which will use the design-build-finance-operate and ...

As reported in our December 18 post, the New York State Thruway Authority unanimously approved award of the design-build contract for the Tappan Zee bridge replacement project to Tappan Zee Constructors, LLC.  All required approvals for contract award have now been obtained, and the Authority issued the notice to proceed on January 18, 2013.

Posted in Design-Build

The Utah Department of Transportation (UDOT) has announced the completion of the Utah County I-15 Corridor Expansion (I-15 CORE) project ahead of schedule and under budget. The 24-mile design-build project added two travel lanes on I-15 in each direction, rebuilt or replaced 63 bridges and 10 freeway interchanges and replaced the existing roadway from Lehi to Spanish Fork with 40-year concrete pavement without decreasing the number of lanes during the majority of construction.

As one of the State of Utah’s largest highway construction projects, the $1.1 billion design-build ...

Posted in Design-Build

On December 17, 2012, the Board of the New York State Thruway Authority (NYSTA) unanimously approved award of the design-build contract for the Tappan Zee bridge replacement project to Tappan Zee Constructors, LLC (a consortium of Fluor Enterprises, Inc., American Bridge Company, Granite Construction Northeast, Inc., and Traylor Bros., Inc.).  New twin spans will replace the existing Governor Malcolm Wilson Tappan Zee Bridge, which is to be demolished and removed.  The contract award requires additional State approvals before it becomes effective.  Notice to proceed is expected ...

Posted in Design-Build

On December 13, 2012, the Texas Transportation Commission conditionally awarded the design-build and capital maintenance agreements for the IH 35E Managed Lanes Project to AGL Constructors, a joint venture comprised of Archer Western Contractors, LLC, Granite Construction Company and The LANE Construction Company. AGL Constructors was one of four teams the Texas Department of Transportation shortlisted for the project earlier this year. The other proposer teams included:

  • Dallas to Denton Constructors, a joint venture comprised of Zachry Construction Corporation and ...
Posted in Design-Build
The Long Beach Board of Harbor Commissioners approved a $649.5 million dollar contract for the design and construction of a replacement for the Port of Long Beach's obsolete and deteriorating Gerald Desmond Bridge.

On April 26, 2012, the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) announced the shortlist for the proposed IH 35E Managed Lanes Project in Dallas and Denton Counties.  The shortlisted teams were selected based on qualification statements submitted on March 23, 2012 in response to the request for qualifications (RFQ) issued by TxDOT on January 23, 2012.

The RFQ solicited separate qualification statements from teams with experience in design-build and toll concession contracting.  TxDOT decided to move forward with the design-build alternative with a capital maintenance option.  ...

Posted in Design-Build

On Dec. 9, 2012, the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) issued a Request for Qualifications (RFQ) soliciting qualifications from teams interested in entering into a design-build contract and a potential capital maintenance agreement for the Dallas Horseshoe Project.  Following a three-month process, which included questions and answers from interested industry participants, TxDOT received seven Qualification Statemelnts on Feb. 22, 2012.  Over the next month, the Qualification Statements were evaluated by TxDOT.  On March 29, 2012, TxDOT announced the short list of ...

Posted in Design-Build

On March 19, the Metro Gold Line Foothill Extension Construction Authority issued a Request for Qualifications (RFQ) soliciting statements of qualifications from prospective proposers to provide design-build services for intermodal parking facilities and enhancements associated with the Metro Gold Line Foothill light-rail extension. 

The project will involve the design and construction of multiple 200-plus-space parking structures and 100-plus-space surface parking lots, as well as the implementation of other amenities at the six stations included as part of the light ...

The California High-Speed Rail Authority has shortlisted five design-build teams in response to its first design-build project for the first segment of the California High-Speed Train System in California's Central Valley. 


The shortlisted teams are: 

  • California Backbone Builders, composed of Ferrovial Agroman and Acciona
  • California High-Speed Rail Partners, composed of Fluor Corp., Skanska and PCL Constructors
  • California High-Speed Ventures, composed of Kiewit Corp., Granite Construction and Comsa EMTE
  • Dragados SA, Flatiron Construction Corp. and Shimmick ...

On Friday, Dec. 9, 2011, New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo signed historic design-build legislation into law, giving five state entities - the New York State Department of Transportation, the New York State Thruway Authority, the Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation, the Department of Environmental Conservation and the New York State Bridge Authority - general authorization to enter into design-build contracts for capital projects for physical infrastructure.  Previously, only public universities had legislative authorization to use design-build. 

The ...

Posted in Design-Build

At its October 27 meeting, the Texas Transportation Commission approved the issuance of a request for qualifications for the Horseshoe Project in Dallas County.  The project will be the first under new design-build legislation passed by the Texas legislature during the 2011 session.  Subchapter F, Chapter 223, of the Transportation Code prescribes the process by which the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) may enter into a design-build contract with a private entity that provides for the design, construction, expansion, extension, related capital maintenance ...

Posted in Design-Build

On October 21, I participated on a panel regarding Successful Teaming at the 2011 DBIA Conference & Expo in Orlando, Fla.  In the broad sense, teaming in the design-build context is collaboration among all project participants to help foster integration and achieve win-win solutions for delivering a project.  The panel addressed best practices for drafting teaming agreements and promoting communication and integration among team members.  My presentation focused on why the owner is interested in teaming and how the owner can influence teaming arrangements.  Key takeaways from the ...

We are pleased to report that AB 294--the bill that was the subject of our blog yesterday--is no longer in play.

A last-minute amendment to California Assembly Bill 294, if passed, would wreak havoc on Caltrans and local agency plans to use design-build for state highway projects (Public Contract Code section 6800 et seq.) and to enter into public-private partnerships (P3s) for highway projects (Streets and Highways Code section 143).

The language added to the bill would preclude local agencies from hiring consultants to work on the projects, stating that all work must be done through Caltrans employees or consultants under contract with Caltrans.  Project consultants are often hired well ...

Posted in Design-Build

Over the past 10 years, California lawmakers have made tremendous strides in providing express design-build procurement authority to pubic agencies in the state. This authority, however, has not been applied evenly across all project types or agencies.

As matters stand in 2011, much broader design-build authority exists for public buildings or vertical projects than for transportation or horizontal projects.  Within the realm of horizontal projects, projects on the state highway system are subject to a number of constraints that do not apply to other types of projects.  And the ...

Yesterday, the Metro Gold Line Foothill Extension Construction Authority awarded a $486 million design-build contract to a Kiewit/Parsons joint venture. The contract is for the 11.5 mile extension of the Metro Gold Line light rail from the Sierra Madre Villa station in the City of Pasadena to Citrus Avenue near the boundary of the City of Azusa and the City of Glendora.  The Authority previously awarded a separate design-build contract to Skanska for the Iconic Freeway Structure within the same alignment.

The Authority made the award decision for the Foothill Extension project using ...

Posted in Design-Build

During the recent legislative session, TxDOT received authority under Senate Bill 1420 to develop certain projects, including, among others, the SH 99 Grand Parkway project in the Houston area, as well as the I-35E Managed Lanes project in the Dallas/Fort Worth area through a public private partnership procurement process. On June 10, 2011, TxDOT intends to issue requests for information (RFIs) to assist in formulating strategies for the development of these urgently needed projects. Copies of each RFI will be available on TxDOT's website. TxDOT is seeking RFI responses from ...

Posted in Design-Build, Ports

On Wednesday, the California Transportation Commission (CTC) approved the $950 million Gerald Desmond Bridge Replacement Project for one of 10 state project slots available under California’s Design-Build Demonstration Program. 

The CTC’s approval authorizes the Port of Long Beach and the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) to deliver the project using the best-value design-build method contemplated under the program.  The Port of Long Beach and Caltrans released the request for qualifications (RFQ) for the project’s design-build contract on ...

Posted in Design-Build, Ports

The Port of Long Beach, one of the largest and busiest Ports in the world and a major inter-modal center for the cargo movement throughout the Western United States and beyond, has reached a major milestone in the approximately $1B plan to replace the Gerald Desmond Bridge on a design-build basis using the authority granted by California’s design-build demonstration program. As the first cable-stayed bridge ever built in California, the project is expected to be a landmark structure for the Port and surrounding communities.

On September 30, the Long Beach City Council approved the ...

Posted in Design-Build

The Mineta San José International Airport Terminal Area Improvement Program was selected as the Best Overall Top Project and as the best Transportation Project in Northern California for 2010 by California Construction magazine during its annual statewide competition that recognizes construction and design excellence.  The project represents the first major airport design-build project in California and includes design and construction of a new terminal, access and roadway improvements, parking facilities, tenant relocations, demolition of existing facilities, and ...

Posted in Design-Build

On August 30 the Metro Gold Line Foothill Extension Construction Authority issued a Request for Proposals (RFP) to three teams vying for the Foothill Extension Phase 2A light rail alignment work. The design-build-finance project includes 11.5 miles of new track, a 25+ acre light rail maintenance facility, six stations in five cities, and multiple bridges along with the needed utilities and crossing systems. Phase 2A is anticipated to generate 7,000 jobs and $1 billion of economic output for the region during construction and will be the first Measure R rail project to break ground ...

Posted in Design-Build

On April 7, 2010, the California Transportation Commission (CTC) authorized the first two regional design-build projects under the state's innovative contracting authority under Senate Bill 4, SBX2 4. 

  • The ExpressLane Project is a joint state/local project of the Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority (LA Metro) and the Department of Transportation (Caltrans), which will be implemented by Caltrans.  The project will convert existing carpool lanes on Interstates 10 and 110 to high-occupancy toll (HOT) lanes, or ExpressLanes.


  • The Riverside County ...

It was the best of times, it was the worst of times…  Dickens could have been describing 2009, as the P3 market continued to look strong, notwithstanding the economic downturn. Last year three significant P3 deals reached financial close in the United States: in March the I-595 in Florida, in October the Port of Miami Tunnel also in Florida, and mid-December the North Tarrant Express in Texas. All were remarkable in their own right, and cumulatively earned Nossaman the top spot in Infrastructure Journal’s league tables in the North American Transport P3 legal advisor category.

We take a look back at what made the deals remarkable and what 2010 might bring…

Posted in Design-Build

The Utah Department of Transportation has announced its selection of the Provo River Constructors team to deliver the Utah County I-15 Corridor Expansion (I-15 CORE). Provo River Constructors is comprised of Flour Enterprises, Inc., Ames Construction, Inc., Ralph L. Wadsworth Construction Company, Inc. and Wadsworth Brothers Construction Company, Inc. The group will expand the I-15 freeway by two lanes in both directions from Lehi Main Street to Spanish Fork Main, extend the express lane from University Parkway in Orem to Spanish Fork, rebuild and reconfigure 10 freeway ...

Posted in Design-Build

A recent court case upholds the concepts of innovative design and quality performance utilized by alternative delivery methods that have become necessary due to shrinking public agency budgets and the need to accelerate critical projects. The case concerned the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers’ (Corps) use of an Indefinite Delivery/Indefinite Quantity (IDIQ) Contract through a two phased proposal process for a $301 million construction project to build a series of military facilities to be performed under a series of future task orders.

An IDIQ Contract allows the procuring ...

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