Posts tagged Indiana.

On March 4, 2014, the City of Indianapolis announced that three development teams have been short-listed to compete to design, build, finance, operate and maintain a new Marion County Consolidated Justice Facility.  Replacing existing facilities, the proposed new facility will consolidate various aging and inefficient facilities throughout the county, and may house separate adult and juvenile detention, inmate processing, the prosecutor, public defender, probation and community corrections, clerk, coroner, crime lab and other state and federal agencies.  The new complex ...

Posted in Bridges

Almost a year to the day from when the procurement began, the East End Crossing P3 project has achieved financial close.  Raising nearly $1 billion of public and private debt and equity funding, WVB East End Partners, made up of equal shares to WI East End (Walsh), VINCI Concessions Investments and Bilfinger East End Holdings, will now finalize design and begin construction of the project which consists of a new bridge over the Ohio River, a tunnel as part of the Kentucky approach, and a highway as part of the Indiana approach.  Indiana Finance Authority acts as the public sponsor under the ...

Posted in Bridges

On December 27, 2012, the Indiana Finance Authority (IFA) achieved commercial close of the East End Crossing project in southern Indiana, part of the broader Louisville-Southern Indiana Ohio River Bridges Project.  WVB East End Partners, LLC (WVB), is the private counterparty for the East End Crossing project under an availability payment concession, a first for Walsh and VINCI in an equity role in the US P3 market.  The parties reached agreement and executed the public-private agreement before the end of the year as scheduled, capping an extraordinary procurement on an expedited ...

Posted in Bridges

On November 16, 2012, the Indiana Finance Authority (IFA) selected WVB East End Partners (WVB) as the Preferred Proposer for IFA’s East End Crossing project in southern Indiana.  WVB East End Partners is a joint venture consortium of Walsh Investors, LLC, VINCI Concessions S.A.S. and Bilfinger Berger PI International Holding GmbH, partnering with Walsh Construction Company and VINCI Construction Grand Projets as the builders, with Jacobs Engineering Group, Inc. as the designer, and with others.  VINCI Concessions S.A.S. will be performing the operations and maintenance of the ...

Posted in Bridges

On November 16, 2012, the board of the Indiana Finance Authority (IFA), with Governor Daniels in attendance, based on the recommendation of Kendra York, IFA’s Public Finance Director, approved the preliminary selection of WVB East End Partners as the preferred proposer for the East End Crossing project, Indiana’s second foray into public-private partnerships as a solution to infrastructure planning for the State.  The East End Crossing is Indiana’s part of the Louisville-Southern Indiana Ohio River Bridges Project (the ORB Project).  WVB East End Partners is a joint ...

Posted in Bridges

On April 23, 2012, the Indiana Finance Authority (IFA), in coordination with the Indiana Department of Transportation, shortlisted four teams for its East End Crossing (Louisville-Southern Indiana Ohio River Bridges Project) (the East End Crossing) located in Southern Indiana.

The East End Crossing is part of the broader Ohio River Bridges Project in the greater Louisville, Kentucky/Southern Indiana region.  Specifically, the Ohio River Bridges Project will consist in improvements to connecting roadways, but most prominently, provide two new toll bridges across the Ohio ...

Posted in Bridges

On March 9, 2012, the Indiana Finance Authority, an independent instrumentality in cooperation with the Indiana Department of Transportation, issued a Request for Qualifications (RFQ) soliciting statements of qualifications from prospective proposers to develop, design, build, finance, operate, and maintain a tolled bridge facility and associated roadway facilities crossing the Ohio River from Clark County in southeastern Indiana into Jefferson County, Kentucky (the East End Crossing) through an availability payment concession.

The East End Crossing involves the ...

Posted in Bridges

The Indiana Finance Authority (IFA) announced today that IFA and Indiana Department of Transportation (INDOT) will be providing updated information and answering questions from prospective proposers related to the procurement of the East End Crossing of the Ohio River Bridges Project on March 2, 2012 from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. at the Kentucky International Convention Center in Louisville, KY. All interested parties should pre-register here for the event by 5:00 p.m. on Feb. 29, 2012.

As previously announced, the Ohio River Bridges Project will include two procurement ...

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